Introducing Undergraduates to Instructional Design in a Graduate Studio: An Experiential, Model-Centered Approach

The other faculty author on the paper, Scott Howell, does a great job recruiting students into research projects. The first two authors are students from one of his instructional design classes, reporting on an experiential learning trip his class (along with one of mine) participated in. Both students were undergraduates when they started the paper. Now they’re both Master’s students in our program at BYU. My contribution to the paper was to organize the trip under discussion. Other than that, all credit for this paper goes to the other authors.


This case study describes a combined graduate and undergraduate instructional design studio that introduced undergraduate students to instructional design in a multifaceted, holistic, and applied way. Reviewing the experience of the undergraduates in the course, this design case describes four learning interventions used to create this applied experience: (1) instructional design team projects—one non-profit and the other in higher education, (2) weekly seminars and biweekly training sessions from field experts, (3) an experiential out-of-state trip, and (4) weekly reflection journals. These studio-based learning interventions are presented within the context of the Experiential Learning Theory and Model-Centered Instruction. Overall, the course introduced the undergraduate students to the field of instructional design in an applied and experiential format.


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Zundell, R. S., Sowards, W., Howell, S. L., & McDonald, J. K. (2022). Introducing undergraduates to instructional design in a graduate studio: An experiential model-centered approach. Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 11(3).

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